Author’s Profile
John Holmes
- Graduate from Alabama University with a BS in Accounting
- Certified in Mergers and Acquisitions from Kennesaw State University
- Former Member of the Board and Finance Committee of Trinity Community Ministries, Treasurer of Red Elephant Club (Atlanta Chapter), Treasurer of Castlewood Civic Association, and Peachtree Road United Methodist Church Finance Committee
John Holmes is the partner in charge of Audit Services at Fricke & Associates, P.C. Primarily, John provides quality and customized tax, accounting, and audit services for the firm’s individual, commercial, and non-profit clients. Starting his career with Carr, Riggs & Ingram, he became a CPA in 1999. Expanding his qualifications to better serve clients, he earned his title of Corporate Internal Auditor with the Walmart Corporation in 1995, Audit Manager with Pricewaterhouse Coopers in 2006 and a Senior Audit Manager in 2009. Prior to joining Fricke & Associates, LLC, John managed audit services at Brook, Holmes, Williams & Cook for 9 years. His considerable experience and dedication to his clients sets the standard of excellence for the whole audit team.
Specializations: Audits, Individuals, Small Business Enterprises, Contractors, Service Companies, Distributors, Manufacturers, Nonprofits, and Employee Benefit Plans.
Author’s Articles
Meet the New Brookhaven-Atlanta Office
The Brookhaven-Atlanta office of Fricke & Associates, LLC was opened to better serve our clients in the Atlanta central area…
Published by John Holmes at March 4, 2022 -
5 Factors that Affect Employee Cost
For your budget to be accurate, you need to account for the cost of every employee. Your finances should have…
Published by John Holmes at December 2, 2021 -
Avoiding an Audit: Tips for Small Businesses
The word “audit” can easily strike fear into the hearts of small business owners. Not that most of the owners…
Published by John Holmes at September 3, 2021 -
How Receipt Management Can Help You Stay Audit-Proof
Every business owner knows the importance of keeping a paper trail of expenses. In our technologically advanced world, the documentation…
Published by John Holmes at July 2, 2021
We can help
If you need a bookkeeping professional for Small businesses in Atlanta, GA, Fricke & Associates, LLC. We have the expertise and experience to understand your needs, analyze your financial data, promote your growth, and ensure your financial future is set on a successful path. Additionally, we are a leader in developing and implementing the latest technology for optimizing accounting, tax, and financial planning solutions.
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