How We Give Thanks – Some Team Traditions

Published by Doug Chaffins at November 1, 2022

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It’s that time of year to gear up for the holidays. Holiday traditions add meaning to this season. They bring us a connection to our community and reinforce what is important to us. 

As a tax service in Marietta, GA, we have a high value for our local community. We love to give thanks through our tradition of giving back to our community. Every year we actively sponsor the annual Marietta Pilgrimage Parade of Homes. This year we are sponsoring the Gala Dinner. This event is a fundraiser for non-profits in our community that work to grow our tourism economy and preserve and protect our landmarks and history. 

Fricke & Associates also has a tradition of our annual Christmas party. We celebrate together with delicious food and fun games. It is an excellent way for our team to come together before diving into the next tax season. We may be serious and detailed about our bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing, but believe it or not, we like to have fun too.  

We thought we would ask a few random employees for some of their favorite holiday traditions before this celebratory season. 

“My grandfather is an amazing woodworker. Each year, he creates and
hand-carves unique puzzles made out of wood and gives one to each of the
grandchildren. A different puzzle every year.”

“Each year, the family gathers all the Christmas and holiday cards received. We
draw one card from the group and say a special prayer for the person who sent
the card. We do this every evening until we go through all the cards. A different prayer and card are chosen each day.” 

“Each year, my wife and I make a special pumpkin spice bread and make
individual mini-loafs for our co-workers.”  We have done this for over 20 years.

“Being Jewish, the holidays are a bit different for our family. Our main annual
tradition is that together with my mother, we have a special Chanukah dinner
with potato latkes. Latke is Yiddish for “pancake.” On Chanukah, it is traditional
for all Jewish families to serve potato latkes fried in oil in celebration of the
Chanukah miracle.”

Beth & Ted

“We always have a big family meal on Christmas eve and then attend church.  Every year, we have a special trifle spiked with cream sherry – it’s expected.  And on Christmas afternoon, we always see a good movie – these are the traditions that are pretty much carved in stone at our home.

When you think about the traditions that give you a sense of belonging and connection during the holidays, which traditions come to mind? Whether celebrating with old traditions or creating new ones, we wish you and yours a grateful and joyful holiday season.

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