Tax Season’s Over; Let’s Start on The Right Foot

Published by John Holmes at June 10, 2019

About Us

During tax season, everyone is thinking about their finances. Afterwards, if you received a refund, you are likely trying to figure out how to use it best. In terms of highest percentages, roughly 30% of Americans use their refund to pay off existing debt, 9% utilize the money for a big purchase, 9% put it towards retirement, and 9% invest the money. When determining how to use your finances, having a long-term financial plan is much wiser than waiting on a return and hoping for the best each year.

How can Professional Financial Planning Help You?

Coming up with a long-term plan for your finances can be overwhelming and confusing. Many questions can arise, such as:

  • “Can I afford to buy this now?”
  • “Am I putting enough in savings?”
  • “How will I make sure my family is well-cared for?”
  • “How can I make sure I have a comfortable retirement?”
  • “How will I save for my kid’s college?”
  • “When will I be able to pay off existing debt?”

Struggling through these questions and more can leave you feeling defeated and unsure how to manage your money to achieve your goals. That’s where Fricke & Associates, LLC can help! When we start helping you map out your financial future, we help you establish a clear plan:

1. We assess your current financial situation.

Once we understand your finances and all related factors, we can recommend solutions and strategies which are reasonable for your lifestyle. If you only have margin to save 5% per month, there is no reason to consider a plan dependent on 10% currently. Your financial plan must be created individually and customized to suit your reality and desires.

2. We help you establish healthy goals.

Financial security is incredibly important, whether planning for just you or your family as well. Your hard-earned money should be positioned to give you comfort and stability in the long run. Based upon your financial situation and your goals, we will lay out options for how you can reasonably reach your financial aspirations.

3. We make sure your future is planned for.

You can’t predict the future, but you can plan for it. Looking at your assets, we will evaluate all aspects of your future planning and offer guidance on how to be prepared ideally. This can include looking at legacy and estate plans.

We recognize you are an individual with unique goals, and we can help. Once we establish your long-term goals, we can help you work backwards from that to ensure your financial stability and security can be achieved. If you are interested in exploring financial planning, contact Fricke & Associates, P. C. today!

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We can help

If you need a bookkeeping professional for Small businesses in Atlanta, GA, Fricke & Associates, LLC. We have the expertise and experience to understand your needs, analyze your financial data, promote your growth, and ensure your financial future is set on a successful path. Additionally, we are a leader in developing and implementing the latest technology for optimizing accounting, tax, and financial planning solutions.

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