In a world where litigation happens over everything, even a spilled cup of hot coffee, you must be strategic in order to achieve the best result in the courtroom. Whether as an expert witness or a forensic accountant, Fricke & Associates, LLC can help support you in the courtroom. Litigation support services are usually provided to law firms on behalf of their clients. CPAs are specifically skilled at investigative work and can easily interpret, analyze, and evaluate evidential material for court proceedings. The following scenarios are just a few examples where you may benefit from litigation support from the team at Fricke & Associates, LLC
- Divorce Settlements—If you are in the
midst of a challenging divorce, you may need documentation to accurately portray
your assets, your company, and your future assets so your settlement will be
appropriate. In the event that you are the spouse trying to ensure fair
compensation for yourself, our experience and expertise will be similarly
- Lost Wage Claims—If you have been in an
accident and unable to work, you could require documentation to prove the wages
you should be compensated for. We can provide the financial expertise
necessary to achieve your deserved outcome.
- Contract Disputes—When there is a
contract dispute, our team can provide the financial support to ensure that
your interests are protected. Fricke & Associates, LLC can help with
documentation as well as act as an expert witness in the court proceeding.
- Fraudulent Transfers—If your company has
had money transferred by a dishonest office manager, we can conduct a thorough
analysis of your financial logistics and provide reports which can be utilized
as evidence in court. Additionally, we can be called as an expert witness to
communicate our findings.
If you find yourself in one of these scenarios or any other litigation, the team at Fricke & Associates, LLC are happy to help you achieve the best result. Contact us today to learn more about our forensic accounting and litigation support services!